I'm not sure I can write about this evening. It makes me look far too bad, even for an anonymous blog, among friends that don't know who I am.
Suffice it to say that, after all these years -- all the antidepressants, all the settling and stabilization of middle age -- I still have a temper that can go off on no notice over something trivial and stupid. I can still blow up without warning. And I don't even realize that it is something I can (or ought to) control until it is over and the damage is done ... I mean, the thought just never occurs to me. I am too into the rage of the moment. No matter how childishly stupid and asinine I am being, no matter what innocent bystanders are getting the brunt and having to deal with it.
Some days I think that everything Wife has ever said about me -- every low, mean hateful, squalid accusation -- is probably true. I'll go sit in the corner now. If you see the gendarmes out in the street, tell them where I am and have them run me in for being an ill-tempered, uncontrolled, infantile, moronic jerk.
Thanks, my family and I all appreciate it.
it's amazing how that little word 'sorry', said with real sincerity can fix things.
Don't do that classic man thing of hiding in your cave.
You are right, and I apologized the next morning. I still feel ashamed, though.
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