Tuesday, April 2, 2019

1000th post

Another milestone. Wow. (The last milestone post was my 500th post, here.)

A thousand seems like a very big number. Of course it has also taken me over ten years to get here. 

Some concrete numbers. 
  • Between my first post and my 500th post there were 1705 days, or four years and eight months.
  • Between my 500th post and this one were an additional 2408 days, or six years and seven months.
  • That means that the total life of this blog (to date) is 4113 days. That's eleven years, three months, and five days. During that time my sons have grown from little kids to college students (Son 1 is a college graduate). During that time, my marriage fell from what might have been our best year together ever -- 2007 -- into chaos, ruin, and separation.
It's been a long time. 

I've tried to keep posting regularly, but like everything there are ups and downs. Getting back in touch with Marie put a huge dent in my writing because I was writing her instead. For a while I thought, "Well I'll just post the letters," but that never turned out to be very practical. So I just let my posting dwindle.

At my 500th post, I was able to say that -- once I picked up the blog again after a three-month hiatus at the beginning of 2008 -- I had never gone an entire month without posting. That's no longer true: April 2016, January 2018, and October 2018 all went by with no updates. That's six months out of 135.

My average number of posts per month ... well, the word "average" can mean three different things. My mean number of posts per month (to date) has been 7.29. (How do you write .29 of a post?) My median (same number of entries above and below) has been 6 posts per month. My mode (the greatest number of entries) has been 3 posts per month.

My topics have shifted around over time. But I hope -- no, I intend -- to keep at it. I like the character of Hosea, and don't want to lose him.

Here, like last time, is a chart of my total number of posts per month since I started. And yes, that is indeed a colossally geeky thing to do!

Here's to the next thousand.

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