Ever since graduating in December, Son 1 has been splitting his time between my apartment and Wife's duplex while he looked for a job. Now he's got a job, though I guess he won't start until mid-May. Anyway, some time late in the week before last Wife had some weird medical symptoms (including severe hypothermia) and went to the hospital. They think they found the trigger -- some new medication one of her doctors had prescribed -- and sent her home once she had stabilized. Son 1 went to stay with her for the first half of last week to make sure she was OK.
Now, "Wife had some weird medical symptoms" is one of those things that only happens on days ending in "Y". On any scale of the bizarre or unexpected, it sits only slightly to the left of "sun rose in the morning." But when he was back at my place this weekend, Son 1 said he's not convinced they found the real trigger for this particular attack. Because after she was home -- and they had taken her off the suspect medication -- it started to happen again. Wife was upset that Son 1 would be leaving her all alone to deal with it, and her temperature started to plummet. When he assured her, "Mom, I'm not going anywhere," ... she got better. So Son 1 thinks it's a panic attack, triggered in particular by his getting a job -- because she knows that once he is working, he won't be able to visit her nearly as often. He told her so and she said, "That's silly -- I have nothing to be afraid of." But self-knowledge has never been one of Wife's strong suits.
He's back there now, because she needs someone to drive her to a doctor's appointment three hours away tomorrow and his job hasn't started yet. But of course if Son 1 is right, what happens when he really does have to start work?
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
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