Monday, April 15, 2019

Wife's premonition, 2

I'm traveling again. (I'm doing a lot of that this spring.) And I got an excited text message from Son 1 in the middle of the morning.

He got a "tentative job offer" from the place about an hour away. The place where Wife's premonition placed him working. The premonition I told you about here.

He has no other offers right now, so he's going to accept it. It's not everything he ever wanted, but he's a new college graduate without a lot of leverage in the job hunting world and it gets him in the right general field. Time to maneuver for more later.

This evening I texted him a follow up question, "Is this the place where [your] Mom said she thought you'd end up working at?"

His answer: "I don't know where mom said she thought I'd end up." But just now I double checked what I wrote you back then and yes … that's the place.

So hey … we can give her credit for at least one premonition working out correctly over the long haul. And it's exciting that he's got a job.

Since you asked.

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