I'm sitting in a hotel in Faraway City (or close enough), and I've spent a week here for work. I fly home tomorrow. But I've been collecting things to post here.
A week or so ago, I was home and Son 1 went to spend a few days with Wife. On the whole he says she's doing better ever since she stopped drinking … enough better that it's no longer difficult or crazy for him to spend time with her. So that's good.
And he's still looking for work. He recently got turned down for a job that he thought he had a lock on. Maybe this is because job hunting is a lot harder than it looks (been there, done that) or maybe it's because this particular job would have required moving a long ways away from home for a job that couldn't have paid his bills. I told him, if I'd been hiring for that job I would never have hired him just because of that reason alone.
At the same time there's a job a lot closer to home that he really wanted, but a couple of months ago they weren't hiring anybody. Suddenly he has heard from them that maybe they can hire after all. We'll see.
Anyway, he told me that while he was at Wife's she told him about a premonition she had had. I think he found the whole thing embarrassing, because he slid off the topic almost as soon as he brought it up. And really, both boys are kind of embarrassed that Wife has premonitions. But she swears by them. She has had them all her life. She had one shortly after meeting me that she would marry me (for whatever that's worth); and the first thing that attracted her to Wicca was that it gave her room to believe in her own premonitions where other more conventional religions (so far as she understood them) did not.
Her premonition was that Son 1 would get this job nearer to home -- it's about an hour's drive from my apartment, or a bit less -- and that while working there he would meet his future wife.
No sooner did he tell me this than Son 1 covered his traces with a lot of reasons that of course it was absurd. But I'm writing it here to record it. (Not all of Wife's premonitions have worked out, but there's no way to keep score if you don't record them and then check later.)
#4 living towards a new horizon
12 hours ago
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