Monday, June 6, 2022

Can I sit at the cool kids' table now?

The last five days I've had a low fever, exhaustion, and intermittent diarrhea; today appears to be the first day without the fever or the diarrhea, but I still feel weak and easily worn out. I also have a cough, although that's hardly unusual for me. I have not done any testing yet, to identify what I came down with. And I have not had any trouble breathing (unless you count the cough), nor have I lost my sense of taste. Nonetheless I strongly suspect that it's a variant of COVID-19. So does that mean I can eat lunch with the cool kids now?

Here's the timeline, as well as I can reconstruct it.

The weekend before last, I drove out to visit my Mom. We talked a lot, sat up late, finished off a bottle of wine between us ... that sort of thing. She's been living alone for almost seven years now, and we talked about whether it would be better for her to have someone else living there with her. No immediate commitments, but we both agreed that this is something I could probably do for her, especially if she felt her only other alternative were to move into a care facility. She demurred at first, because caring for my Dad in his last years was so hard for her and she wouldn't want to impose; but I explained that I've already spent years looking after Wife through her various illnesses, so it wouldn't exactly be something new.

Sunday we drove into the Big City to go to a concert at the Philharmonic. And Monday I came home.

Wednesday morning I felt really tired, and my head didn't feel quite right. At first I assumed that maybe I'd had too much to drink the night before, and tried to perk myself up with coffee. Then I took a long nap. When I got up again my head still felt bad, so I took a couple of Tylenol; only after that did I realize that I also felt feverish. I went to bed early that night and slept 13 hours ... except that every time I rolled over I had to get up to pee, even though there was hardly anything coming out. 

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday ... I began slowly to feel a little better, but still felt feverish (even when my temperature read normal). Today is the first day I haven't really felt feverish, and I actually got myself organized to go out and do my laundry. (High time, too, I might add!) But even that little ambition left me huffing and puffing by the end.

Why do I think it's COVID-19?

On Wednesday, the first day that I felt any symptoms, I exchanged text messages with my mother. She was just then starting to feel rotten as well, in just about the same ways. She too went to bed early. The symptoms and timing matched mine so exactly that it is very likely we have the same thing and got it at the same time. That means in turn that it is unlikely one of us infected the other; probably we both got whatever-it-is at the Philharmonic. 

But the next day (Thursday) she had a regularly-scheduled doctor's appointment for a routine physical. While she was there, he tested her for COVID. And yesterday she texted me that her test came back positive.

So if we probably have the same thing, and if she now tests positive for COVID-19, probably that's what I've got too. It must be a fairly mild case, since I haven't had any of the distinctive COVID-symptoms (like loss of taste). But that would be consistent with my continuing to feel so weak.

Maybe I should go get tested, huh?


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