I spent the day at work with a guy I usually see on business maybe twice a year. It just so happens that this week is one of those times. And over the years we have talked about a lot of things besides business. I was one of the first people he told when he decided to divorce his wife. We've also talked about how we understand (or don't understand) the role of prayer and providence in our lives ... or the role of "chance" if you want to call it that. Last year I started to tell him something about Wife's mental illnesses, which is a topic I had (till then) rarely discussed with anybody. For people who only see each other twice a year, it is an odd kind of friendship and I don't know how to account for it without sounding a little odd in my turn. I mean, there was really no "reason" we should ever have met in the first place; his company just assigned him to manage my company's account "by chance" a couple of years ago when the former guy was unavailable. And the friendship has grown from there.
Why do you care?
Well, he told me this morning (as we were in the middle of a bunch of paperwork) that he had had a premonition when he got on the plane to come out here and see us. His premonition told him, "You know that stuff Hosea was telling you last year when you were out there? It has gotten a whole lot worse recently. Ask him about it." He asked, and over lunch I ended up telling him all about Wife and Boyfriend 5. (OK, maybe not all about. We didn't have that kind of time. But plenty.)
He related this to a lot of experiences he had had with his ex-wife. And then he said three other things. The first was that sometimes people are dropped into your life at a specific juncture to tell you something you need to hear right then. The second was that he would add me to his nightly prayers. And the third was that he didn't see any obvious solutions for me right away ... but I should tell as many people as I felt comfortable telling, to get as much advice as I possibly could.
I have to think about that. I haven't told many people: our marriage counselor, this guy, ... who else? I guess I mentioned it briefly to Boyfriend 4, but not the latest stuff. Nothing about money.
I am not sure how to go about this. None of this is something that it is really natural to bring up in conversation, and I think I would feel pretty awkward dropping it out of the blue into a discussion of something else. That's one reason I started an anonymous blog in the first place.
Or wait, ... there's an idea. Maybe I can point people to the blog itself. Some of them might catch on that there's a reason I did so. Even if they just leave comments on the blog and don't realize it's me, that could be a start.
I'll have to think about this. I'm not sure that it is a great idea ... it sound more than half foolhardy, in point of fact. On the other hand, someone once told me that sometimes people are dropped into your life at a specific juncture to tell you something you need to hear right then ....
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
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