Saturday, July 19, 2008

Another threat on my life (unless it is just bravado)

I mentioned here that Wife wants me to stop saying that she or her boyfriend is planning to kill me, even though I also quoted Boyfriend 5 saying something that sounded a lot like exactly that.

Turns out that the two of them had a conversation the same day that was a little more extensive, and on the same subject.

Boyfriend 5: [My father] is frustrated, angry, and wants to kill Hosea right now and be done with it.

Wife: That would be one solution.

Boyfriend 5: A solution you would not accept ... unless things got a lot worse. Why? Because of the children. However, if [Hosea asks you not to speak to me for a week and then] I don't hear from you a week Monday, I will come looking and I make no promises.

Wife: I agree that it's best for the children not to; also because he's been suspicious of it I don't know who he may have told that and told to look at me if it happened.

Boyfriend 5: Honey, I have my little ways of making things appear as they aren't.

Wife: Do you have your little ways of making things so I don't accidentally get arrested for it?

Boyfriend 5: If it needs to happen, ... then it could happen with efficiency.... Precisely, my dear.... Robbery gone bad... Coke on the body, whatever. Let's not talk about that, though.

I have no idea whether to take this seriously or not. I suppose I should drop a hint with somebody local, just in case I do suddenly turn up missing. (And it seems to me I heard that advice somewhere before, just recently. What a coincidence.) For the most part, though, I have to confess I find it hard to imagine. I guess that's what I get for living a cossetted life so far. Oh well.

Maybe I should go to the police. But nothing has happened yet, so I doubt there is much the police could do. I think the only consequence is that Wife would learn that I know at least some of what she discusses with Boyfriend 5. And that would hardly be a gain. So for now I think I won't.

Might go back to that "angelic" advice, however ....

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