Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"Naah, it's probably you"

A few mornings ago I was driving Son 2 somewhere and he said something goofy (as usual).  I tried to reply with something just as silly, and he said, "Dad ... that's just a fail. Don't even try to understand me."

Rather than sulk I decided to bat it back to him as a joke.

Hosea: OK, well in that case I'd better get some advice from somebody with more experience communicating with you successfully. So how about your brother?

Son 2: No, ... he just gets frustrated and starts hitting me.

Hosea: Well, then how about Mom?  I'll ask her how she goes about communicating to you that she wants you to clean your room ...

Son 2: And I ignore her.

Hosea: Or how she communicates to you that she wants you to take out the trash.

Son 2: And I ignore her.

Hosea: Or how she persuades you to stop playing computer games and do something productive around the house.

Son 2: And I ignore her. No Dad, I don't think that's going to work. Honestly you can probably understand me as well as anybody else, or better. Just don't let it go to your head.

And he laughed.

OK, got that.

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