Thursday, August 27, 2020

COVID-19 diaries, part 3

Days march on as Debbie lives with COVID-19 ….

Monday: "I'm feeling so very tired today. Otherwise much the same."

Tuesday: "Things are moving along here and the days are very quiet.  My breathing seems to be quite a bit better, so gratitude for that!  My main symptom now is extreme fatigue and lack of energy.  I don't even have the oomph to do much in the way of knitting, reading, or answering emails. Hence no daily update yesterday.  So I am hanging out, resting a lot, napping in the afternoon every day. Giving myself permission to do nothing."

Wednesday: [This day when I checked in with her all she said was, …] "Thank you, Hosea. How are things going for you?"

Thursday: Today Debbie hosted a Zoom call with her mom, her sister (and her sister's family), and another friend from the sangha she started here years ago. She looked a lot better, and she said she had more energy -- maybe not vast energy, but enough that she could start to think about when it would be safe to see her daughter again, and her daughter's family. We all chatted for fifteen minutes and she smiled, and then we hung up. I feel better, knowing that she has started to feel better. Hope it continues.

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