You can all read my post from earlier today.
Well, it turns out Wife did pay this bill. With our credit card.
Can anyone give me one good reason why Wife doesn't get distrustful as soon as money is mentioned in this picture? Hasn't she ever heard of all those Nigerian banking scams?
Can anyone give me one good reason why Wife doesn't see this for an elaborate con?
Is it just that she is thinking with her cunt instead of her brains? Or what? Wife actually used to be pretty smart and pretty canny -- what the hell happened to her?
I am so upset I can hardly see straight. I don't know what to do or where to turn. I guess the first step is to go get a drink: it won't help me think any more clearly, but there are times that a little less sobriety is definitely indicated, and I think this is one of them.
I know that there isn't anybody out there reading this blog. I know that I'm talking to a blank wall, and that all I get out of the exercise is that it makes me organize my thoughts to write them down. And that is some help, somehow.
But all of you who aren't really out there ... can you send me some advice anyway? Comments appended to the post would be fine. Or e-mails to the address on my profile. Anything.
I am really troubled here.
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
My opinion? You owe it to both of you and to your children to take the credit cards away from her, close the accounts, at least until she is no longer talking to #5.
Sorry... this comment is a little late.
Thanks for the feedback ... never mind about it's being "late" ....
I thought about that, really I did, but I can't figure out how to do it. Oh sure, I can hunt through her purse in the middle of the night, call up the credit card companies, that kind of thing. And that buys me ... how much? 24 hours?
But half the credit cards are in her name anyway, and some of them won't even talk to me if there is a problem with the account (I do all our accounting) unless she first comes on the phone to say it is OK. Both names are on our bank accounts. And so on.
All of which makes me think that this approach would accomplish nothing except pissing her off badly enough that she'd be more likely to respond irrationally. And that's not exactly what I want to encourage at the moment.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to whine about your advice. Thank you, truly, for the support. It means a lot to me to know that anybody is reading this stuff. So far there have been no more gifts of money yet, and I think we are steering slowly away from that particular waterfall. And at the moment I am just keeping my fingers crossed.
But if you can think of a way to buy some security here that she can't just undo the next day, I'm all ears ....
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