Friday, September 26, 2008

"Why he stays" ... the elevator speech

A comment that Kyra left on my previous post made me think it might be useful to publish the following link. It is to a short piece I wrote quite a few months ago, on an entirely different website, as an abbreviated explanation of why I've never made plans for divorce. You can find it here.

I hope nobody is bothered by the site itself. If any citizens of the "infidelity-blog community" find it uncomfortable, please remember what I wrote here and be at ease.


Apollo Unchained said...

Well I'm glad you posted this, I had missed the earlier comment thread.

Certainly part of what makes yours a great blog is your ability to write lucidly about what's happening and what you're feeling without being "angry, self-righteous, and whiny."

It's also a great place to extend my vocabulary and understanding of Plato...

Hosea Tanatu said...

Gosh, thanks. Ummm ... that one quote from the Laws has really stuck with you, hasn't it? ;-)