Did any of those cross over into my adult life? Probably all the verbal stuff. Not sure about the rest .... Still, it was fun reading the list.Interesting question!
- I remember some word games. The main one was the geography game (though it could be applied to any subject) where each new answer has to start with the last letter of the previous answer. There was also an interest in the game Botticelli.... There was also just testing one another on things we were interested in, especially geography and flags.
- Does doing Monty Python, Get Smart, and Tom Lehrer routines count as games?
- Does drawing count? Though I guess that's more of a solitary pursuit than a game played.
- There were various board games...: Monopoly, Sorry!, Clue, Chinese checkers, regular checkers, chess, Go, Othello, Yahtzee ... We didn't have [the kinds of games] that had fancy molded plastic, like Operation!, Mousetrap, or Hungry Hippos. I don't know why. Perhaps our parents saw them in the same way as they saw junk food. [Hosea adds: Yes, that's exactly why!]
- Also playing-card games: Fish, Crazy Eights, War, Spit (my favorite) ... plus ones that had custom cards like Mille Bornes and Waterworks.
- We did run around, playing tag and the like. (I remember once you outpsyched me and I was so sure I had gotten away from you that, when you tagged me in the front bathroom by coming around the back way, I just laid down and "died". It was an odd feeling, just to give up so completely.) We also wrestled and fought.
- Badminton of course! Sometimes accompanied by a history lesson.... :-)- Throwing a baseball was known to occur....
Ogham Readings on Saturdays
22 hours ago
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