I just saw a fun post on "Free-Range Kids" called "Did What You Played as a Kid Influence Who You Became as an Adult?" It reminds me of Plato's dictum that there is nothing so important as children's games for determining how their character will grow in adulthood. In fact, I probably ought to post this over on the Patio except that I don't really have anything to say about it yet. But now I'm trying to remember ... what kinds of games did I play back when I was a kid?
With my friends at school I did a lot of talking about things I had read, things they had read, things they thought I should read, things I thought they should read (but they were never going to), ... and so on. (Reading and talking. Check.)
Later on, with my best friend in eighth grade and high school, we made up and wrote down stories about the interlocking histories of countries on a make-believe planet. (Writing. Check.) We made up countries here on earth -- that all started one day when he announced that his bedroom was seceding from the United States -- and designed political systems to go with them. (Making up useless systems. Check.)
With my little brother, ... I don't remember exactly but I think whatever we played usually involved a lot of running around. It also usually involved my beating up on him until one day he was bigger than I was ....
I have to think about this some more.
Ogham Readings on Saturdays
22 hours ago
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