Friday, March 29, 2019

Inga, again

So a couple months ago I got in touch with an old college friend, Inga, to ask her if she could give Son 1 some advice in job hunting. I talked about it here.

A few weeks later, Son 1 and I called her (and her husband) and talked by phone for maybe an hour or so. Son 1 told her what advice he had already gotten, and she gave him her story while telling him it takes a long time so he shouldn't give up hope. Afterwards he told me the phone call was kind of a good-news/bad-news joke in reverse: the bad news was that all the advice she gave him was stuff he had already heard, but the good news was that it made him believe he was on the right track.

And then time went by and I didn't have much reason to contact her. Ooops ... I recognize this pattern. This is why I have so few friends: I don't put myself out there as much as I should. So I decided to drop her another note, just to keep in touch.

Hi ho! ... or “Happy spring equinox!” or even just “Hello again!” as takes your fancy.

Just a quick note to say Hi. Things are plugging along here. Son 1 continues to send out resumes and to talk to people, but so far the only actual offer he’s gotten (and this was yesterday) was from someone starting a defense-related blog who is looking for content and said he could pay something for articles. Not sure how useful that will be in the long run, but maybe it’s a start ...? Meanwhile he has taken over making dinner on a regular basis, which is getting me spoiled. Gosh, just think when he’s actually hired somewhere and I have to go back to feeding myself. (Sigh.)

Last month I flew to Sticksville for a week to conduct a large project for work, and I learned a very important lesson: Never travel to Sticksville in February. (Maybe this should have been obvious, in retrospect. Better talk to the moron who scheduled it. Oh right, that was me.) Next week I’ll be in the Faraway City for another project [that's where I am right now], and a couple weeks after that in [somewhere else again]. At least it’s not as many as it was a couple years ago, when someone in my home office greeted me one morning with, “Do you still work here?” (I think he was kidding.)

Sounds like dinner is almost done. I hope this finds you well.

Best now and ever,

Inga responded shortly after with this:

And "Hi!" back to you! Wow, hard to believe it's Equinox already.

Please let Son 1 know I'm cheering him on. Getting published certainly doesn't hurt and--who knows--just might help. Regardless, It's a slog. It took me more than 100 applications to get back on board in 2010-2011 and my soul sure took a beating in the process. In the end, though, I was able to work out a happy ending. I'm looking forward to hearing what Son 1 works out. It will be something grand, though, I know. That guy's got the right skills and training.

As for me, just buried in writing and researching and grading and writing and researching and grading. Looking forward to going home to hubby come June.

All the best,


Just keeping you all up to date ....

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