Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Movie meme, 6

This will be quick, but I found a note to myself stored as a Draft post and if I flesh it out I can hit "Publish". In fact, I rewrote most of it independently as "Movie meme, 5" but I left out one identification. This post fills that gap. It's not terribly critical, because this is someone I don't interact with much these days, but FWIW.

The last five contributions were here, here, here, here. and here. And the next addition follows below.

Dale: Mark Hamill

Here again the similarity is partly physical. Dale really looks like Luke Skywalker. When he was young, he looked like the young Luke; nowadays he looks a lot more like the old Luke.

But also, Dale has always been a kind of fresh-faced, innocent, regular guy. I'm not sure how else to describe it. And when we were all kids together and played "Star Wars", Dale always played Luke. (He used to try to cast me as C3PO, which I think in retrospect wasn't exactly a compliment.)

That's as many as I have figured out so far.

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