In line with the advice I've quoted earlier about paying attention to the body, I noticed last night that I was getting a headache. I don't think it had anything to do with Wife losing her keys, although of course that would be the sarcastic explanation. My operative theory is that I was hungry: what with one thing and another I didn't get around to having lunch, and by the time I finally had dinner it had been about 12 hours since breakfast. I had a glass of really sweet juice while I was fixing dinner, hoping that would alleviate it quickly, but should have known better. After drinking it I remembered (what I never remember before) that drinking a large glass of cold juice always makes my shoulders ache. (I can't even begin to guess what the link is, and I realize it sounds bizarre: but the correlation is pretty steady.) Anyway, I finally ate and then dumped myself into bed, figuring that the other possible cause could be tiredness. I seem to get tired more often or sooner these days than I used to ... not sure what that's about. Of course, I also used to be pretty cavalier about eating: I'd eat a lot if it was convenient, and then happily skipped meals when it wasn't. Maybe that's changing too, along with my not staying up till all hours. Or maybe I'm just more aware of it when my body is unhappy? Naah, ... couldn't be anything like that. I'm probably just getting old.
I still felt it a little bit when I woke up in the middle of the night to take a leak. It was all gone by morning.
I went back to find the first post that used this title, and was amused to see what I wrote there. Of course I was trying to be funny at the time, but ... did I really used to drink that much? Wow. At this point it's been something like a week since I had any, and it was another week before that as well. No big point of principle, but I just haven't felt like it. I have no idea how long this "not feeling like it" will last, of course, and I don't want to set myself up for failure by turning it into some kind of project. I figure I'll just watch it and see.
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
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