Thursday, May 8, 2014


Well, in the end it was "none of the above": I decided not to go to the movies, but I was also too tired to sit up and write more.  I went home, made some dinner, and went to bed.  Now, after eight hours of sleep and some coffee, I feel better.

I find this has been happening a lot lately – I mean, that I feel tired and cave in early.  I don't know if I'm wearing out sooner than I used to, or if I just don't distract myself from it as much.  Admittedly, sometimes yes I still distract myself: Friday night I went out to see "Draft Day" and I got myself a cup of coffee before the show because I knew I couldn't stay up for it otherwise.  But on the whole I fall asleep earlier than I used to.  I also spent nearly all of last Sunday doing nearly nothing ... possibly because I had done so much driving on Saturday.  Or possibly out of sheer lethargy, who knows?  It was a pleasant kind of lethargy, don''t get me wrong.  I wasn't depressed.  And I finally dragged my butt out to go do laundry, because I was completely out of clean clothes for the week.

I wonder if I need more exercise?  Maybe if I got out more I'd want to get out more?  Or maybe not.  I don't know.  I just know I've been a lot tireder lately than I think I used to be.

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